
Floating Roof Storage Tank Lightning Protection

Safeguard Your Crude Oil Stock Tanks

Our patented and innovative products are designed to protect fixed and floating roof storage tanks from the devastating effects of lightning strikes, ensuring the safety and integrity of your storage facilities.

Our advanced lightning protection systems are engineered to mitigate risks and keep your operation running through the storm.

Why LEC Stands Out

  • Comprehensive Protection:Our lightning protection systems are designed to offer complete coverage for storage tanks, preventing lightning-induced fires and explosions. Using our proprietary Retractable Grounding Assembly® (RGA®) and Dissipation Array System® (DAS®) lightning avoidance solution, we can create a uniquely effective lighting protection system for your floating roof storage tanks for crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and other volatile liquids.
  • Advanced Technology:We utilize cutting-edge technology to detect and neutralize avoid lightning strikes before they cause harm to your storage tanks.
  • Customizable Solutions:Our products can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your storage facility, ensuring optimal protection.
  • Expert Support:Our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support, ensuring your storage tanks remain protected at all times.

Retractable Grounding Assembly® (RGA®750) Generation 2

The award winning lightning protection design of the Retractable Grounding Assembly (RGA) reduces the risk of lightning damage and fire by creating a low-impedance bond between the roof and shell. The lightning protection design of the RGA 750 is cost effective, easy to install, and virtually maintenance free. LEC has over 17,000 RGA's in service worldwide.


Dissipation Array® System (DAS®)

LEC's lightning protection products include the patented Dissipation Array System (DAS) prevents direct lightning strikes by reducing the electric field to below lightning-collection levels, within the protected area. As a result, DAS lightning protection systems help to prevent downtime and loss of assets, while increasing lightning safety for personnel.


Lightning Protection

Free Risk Assessment

Contact us today to learn how the Retractable Ground Assembly (RGA) from Lightning Eliminators can protect your floating roof tanks from lightning strikes and keep you running through the storm.