October 11, 2013
Lightning Protection

To Strike or Not to Strike, that is the Question: Is there more lightning or am I imagining it?

By the LightningDiva@Large For the past year myself, my colleagues at Lightning Eliminators, and our customers have noticed what appears to be an increase in lightning […]
September 5, 2013
Fuel Tank Lightning Protection Systems

Lightning Protection Systems are High Maintenance! Have you Checked your System Lately?

By: Lightning Diva@Large When it comes to lightning protection systems, equipment needs to be in good working order to be effective. The summer months in the […]
August 28, 2013
Electronic meantime between failure

Lightning Strikes are the Weakest Link for Electronics

By: Lightning Diva@Large Lightning Strikes does not discriminate. It can strike anywhere without warning and can even travel and strike miles away from a storm. The […]
April 24, 2013
Lightning Strikes

Protecting Against Catastrophic Lightning Strikes

Exploration for oil and gas is leaning more on science and automation every day. Rigs are drilling deeper, platforms are stationed farther out into international waters, […]