Being a leader in the field of effective lightning protection systems, Lightning Eliminators & Consultant Inc. has spent many years developing and testing superior lightning protection products. Due to our efforts, we have many patented lightning protection products. Most notably is our designed Dissipation Array System which is engineered to prevent a lightning strike.
“DAS uses a naturally occurring scientific phenomenon called point discharge to retard the collection of lightning within a finite protection zone.”
It works on the principles of Charge Transfer Systems. These lightning protection products lower the static field long enough for the lightning to terminate or strike outside the protected area.
There are three typical reasons for our clients to choose DAS as their choice of lightning protection:
Additionally, there are other patented lightning protection products that combine (depending on the need and the area to be protected) to provide full protection against lightning.
We understand that an industrial facility’s lightning protection design has to be unique, with immense capabilities to protect your entire facility from damage. Rest assured our lightning protection products incorporate physics and state-of-the-art engineering principles to provide successful and cost-effective protection.
Contact our team and get protected today!