Lightning Prevention
Lightning Prevention at Lansing Board of Water & Light
April 13, 2021
Lightning Protection Systems
LEC’s 50th Anniversary!
June 8, 2021

LEC Protects Chevron’s Bibiyana Gas Plant

Lightning Protection
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LEC has had a close relationship with Chevron Bangladesh for many years. We began protecting the Bibiyana gas plant in 2006. The entire plant was new and under construction at that time. Chevron was very interested in LEC’s lightning protection technology and what it could mean for the reliability of their operation. So LEC’s highest level of protection system, the Dissipation Array System(DAS) was selected. Since the time of its installation, the Bibiyana gas plant has not experienced any problems with lightning. Over the years we have added to the existing DAS system as the site continues to expand.

Chevron Bangladesh is in the process of expanding their operations at the South Pad of the Bibiyana site. This upgrade to the site is because the site is facing the a loss of efficiency over time. In particular, the existing gas plant inlet pressure is expected to decrease over time. Rather than allowing this, Chevron has elected to install a new “Turbo Expander System” (Turbo Expander and Re-Compressor) and a new “Booster Compressor System”. These new additions will allow for recovery of additional gas and condensate above the capability of the current Joule Thompson(JT valve) valves present at the site.

The construction of the new Turbo Expander and Booster Compressor Systems is ongoing. Some work is currently being done on the site while other areas are in the final stages of design. The construction on site is expected to continue into late into the summer of 2021 but could easily extend into fall or winter.

As part of this ongoing project, LEC has been hired to provide engineering drawings and bills of materials for LEC’s patented DAS lightning prevention system. The design of the DAS is currently nearing completion and we expect to install the complete lightning protection package later this year.

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