Lightning Protection

January 14, 2021
Lightning Rod Protection

Video – Charge Transfer Technology Demo

January 14, 2021
Lightning Rod Protection

Advanced Air Terminals – Spline Balls

January 7, 2021
Lightning Protection

How to Stop Lightning Strikes

December 16, 2020

Lightning Protection Installation Services

For over 40 years LEC has been installing DAS Lightning Protection Systems to prevent lightning related damage to sites varying in size from a single tower […]
November 11, 2020
Chemical Grounding Rod Provides The Best Grounding Protection

Are Power Surge Protectors Worth the Investment?

Lightning Surge Protection Devices — We recently came across a great blog on Surge Protectors by LASTLY. We’ve summarized the content below. For the full article […]
September 28, 2020

How a Pacific storm fueled lightning that sparked California’s biggest-ever fire season

Excerpt from LA Times – 9/9/2020 By PAUL DUGINSKIGRAPHICS AND DATA JOURNALIST Great article by Paul explains the storm and provides some great detail of the […]
August 19, 2020
Storage Tank Protection 4

LEC’s Tank Battery Lightning Protection Product – A Wise Investment

Tank Battery Lightning Protection Product Lightning protection is a wise investment for the oil production and storage industry. If a storage tank or a tank battery […]
February 19, 2020
Environmental Management Plant - Lightning Protection Upgrade 2

Environmental Management Plant – Lightning Protection Upgrade

CARLSBAD, N.M. – The EM Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’s (WIPP) lightning protection system, which has weathered 30 years in the New Mexico desert, is getting needed repairs and […]
February 5, 2020
Cleveland Utilities installs LEC Lightning Protection Systems

Cleveland Utilities installs LEC Lightning Protection Systems

LIGHTING DISSIPATION systems such as these two located at Chattanooga’s Electric Power Board-operated facilities will be implemented soon to protect substations operated by Cleveland Utilities. The […]
September 9, 2019
Critical Facilities Require Lightning Protection!!!

Critical Facilities Require Lightning Protection!!!

Jim Beam Warehouse Fire Destroys 45,000 Barrels By Sandra E. Garcia July 3, 2019 A fire in Kentucky destroyed a warehouse containing about 45,000 barrels of Jim […]
September 4, 2019
Combating tank battery fires in West Texas

Combating tank battery fires in West Texas

A Midland County Fire Marshal recently spoke on how tank battery fires are dealt with closer to home, following the incident in Deer Park.  This article […]
August 19, 2019
Tank Battery Lightning Protection

North Dakota Studies Lightning Strikes in Oil Patch

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) North Dakota is considering whether to study lightning strikes at saltwater disposal sites after lightning hit state facilities at least four times since June. […]

All You Need to Know About Lightning Protection Systems

Lightning Protection SystemsIndustry from Lightning Strikes Worldwide for over 44 years. The home of the Dissipation Array System (DAS) and Retractable Grounding Assembly (RGA).
Lightening is an unpredictable natural disaster. Around the world, every second approximately 2000 thunderstorms bring about 100 lightning strikes to Earth. NLSI has estimated that in the USA alone, lighting causes more than 26,000 fires and destruction to property worth more than 5 billion dollars in a year. So now, more than ever there is an urgent need to follow strict measures to ensure lighting protection.
A lightning strike can cause numerous threats to any property like shutdown, fire, facility failure, side flashes, loss of products, damage to structure or any electrical appliance in a structure. Installing a digital age lightning protection system can help you eliminate lightning strikes over a protected area altogether.
The expert team of Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. (LEC) came up with the charge transfer system (CTS). It is based on advanced principles of engineering and physics to avert direct lightning strikes and shield against lightning’s secondary effects. The LEC team developed and patented the charge transfer system (CTS) technology. Since then, it has successfully installed and maintained lightning protection systems (LPS) to protect many of the Global 1000 top companies from the effects of lightning strikes in over 90 countries, and throughout the United States.
Since its inception, lightning rod has been used as a preferred means of lightning protection system. Lightning rods collect lightning charge and have devastating side effects. It is an outdated means of technology and has caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage to sensitive electronics and downtime for major companies. Then why to use old methods of collecting current when you can eliminate lightning charge altogether?
The dedicated team of LEC is known to provide complete and comprehensive lighting protection solutions using their patented technology. In addition, they supplement lightning protection by keeping clients informed of incoming storms, lightning and more.