November 15, 2013
Fuel Tank Lightning Protection

Non-Metallic Chemical Storage Tanks and Lightning Impact Mitigation: Problem Solved!

By the LightningDiva@Large I have watched and listened as this problem has become increasingly troublesome for many storage tank facilities.  Finally somebody is paying attention and has […]
October 30, 2013
Lightning Protection Systems

Lightning: Collection vs. Prevention-The White Paper has Arrived

The Lightning Protection Blog by The Lightning Diva @ Large In July we blogged about “Lightning Rods are Old: NEW Lightning Protection”.  It was a three […]
October 11, 2013
Lightning Protection

To Strike or Not to Strike, that is the Question: Is there more lightning or am I imagining it?

By the LightningDiva@Large For the past year myself, my colleagues at Lightning Eliminators, and our customers have noticed what appears to be an increase in lightning […]